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03 August 2021

Bees with Backpacks Competition

We are excited to announce that the Bees with Backpacks Competition is running again this year.

Last year we had amazing success with one of our local schools receiving a major prize!

This year the competition is being hosted locally by the Geelong Tech School with finalists going into a State-Wide Final Pitch in Term 4.

Download the Competition information here:

Download info


In addition to the competition, Geelong teachers will have access to a five-lesson resource developed by the Geelong Tech School. The resource includes environmental factors impacting bee survival, food security globally, and what makes a bee-friendly environment.


An information session will be held on Thursday 26th of August at 3:15pm via Zoom.
Click here to join:


Registration for the competition closes on Tuesday the 31st August.

To register your school, please contact Elly Broadbent.


Please note, this competition is separate from the Bees with Backpacks Core program.